Monday 25 October 2010

Been a while!!!!

Dont know where the times going.... had over 50 messages since I started, which is fantastic... and a real mixture of characters, different ages and one lady!!!! dont know how she sneaked through, but she was definately not looking for a female :-)

One had me in stitches... a foreign gentleman looking for, and I quote, "a beautiful ,intellingent, fat lady...". Well, he definately caught my attention with the first two compliments.. but surprisingly, lost me on the third :-) didnt know whether to laugh or cry, but after Id picked myself up off the floor, studied my photo... it was definatley not a close up, and I didnt look that fat :-)

On a more serious note though, re-read his and a couple of others, and they werent really addressed to me, and one's interests didnt match mine, and wouldnt have, even on a cold day in hell. Guess they'd sent the same message to a number of ladies. One had sent me a message- hilarious- it was obvious he'd had a few..and he'd sent it at 1-00 in the morning- and a bit frisky :-). Guess that shows how many people are out there looking for love. I've sent a couple of messages to more local men, but not had any responses ...yet...

There's one really positive thing thats come out of me joining the dating site- its made me much more confident about myself.... I'm going to my first "singles night" on Friday, I've signed up for speed dating.. and last week flirted outrageously with a man 9 years younger than me -whey hey!!! Am seeing him at a quiz night this week , and apparently he's interested.. but we'll see eh...

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Refreshed ......

Well, just a quick entry this week, as I only got back from Amsterdam yesterday and not really much to update on.
Only really wanted to say that Im feeling much more positive about the dating than I was last week, and after reading my last blog entry, I definately needed a kick up the ass;-)

Back from the "Dam" feeling refreshed and revitalised after having a really good fun weekend with my mates.

Met loads of people and even practiced my flirting skills... sadly lacking over the last year!

Had a couple of messages when I got back.. both of which I've replied too as they've both got friendly faces and twinkly eyes :-)
